Female Power Pins

Here are the Female Power Pins I have made over time. They are all one-of-a-kind, so email me here to find out the ones I have in the studio right now. I will send you pictures and an invoice if you would like to buy.

The safety pin clasp is 2.5 inches wide (these are substantial pins).

Click here to read more about the Female Power Project.

Female Power Shawl Partners $48
(click on image to see high resolution picture)


The White Rose Series $48

The White Rose series of pins commemorates the White Rose Movement. This series is named in honor of one of the most significant civilian resistance groups during the Nazi regime in Germany. It was primarily the effort of a small group of Munich University students, one of whose leaders was Sophie Scholl, later guillotined by the Nazis for her principled, and Christian, resistance. Inspired by the White Rose group, other peace and resistance movements around the world have adopted the white rose for a symbol. It represents remembrance, respect, and resistance to intolerance, tyranny, and hate. Learn more at WhiteRoseAction.com.


I Make Things Out of Words, Mostly